Is Your Claim Ready for the New Claim Process

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Veterans’ Issues in the News

February, 2019

The Hill & Ponton, P.A. newsletter keeps our clients, veterans, family members and caretakers up to date on the latest news pertaining to Veterans’ Disability Claims. Your feedback is appreciated.

Matthew Hill, Managing Partner

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How Obstructive Sleep Apnea Can Affect You

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is one of the more common disabilities claimed by veterans, but also one of the most often denied. The reason it is so often denied is the lack of the VA in linking OSA to a service-connected condition. However, the VA and medical science have numerous studies that link OSA to several conditions that are frequently service-connected such as cardiovascular conditions, mental health conditions, diabetes, asthma, Alzheimer’s disorder, and ocular conditions.

You can read more by clicking below.


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New VA Appeals Process in 2019; Is Your Claim Ready?

As the number of appeals filed with the VA increases, the average wait time for veterans to receive decisions increases exponentially. In order to try and rectify the clogged up system, President Trump signed into law the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017 which introduced the RAMP program. This Act revamps the entire VA disability benefits appeals process and will replace the current appeal system. The new appeals system replaced the "legacy" system during February 2019.

You can click below to find out more.


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Find Out What Type of Help You Can Get From VA Medical Centers


This blog focuses on when you need SomeoneSomething, or Some Money to help you at home.


Although we share the experience of Serving Our Country, each of us Veterans has our own very unique and individual story. Today’s chapter in that story may, for many Veterans, include physical and/or mental health challenges that were never a struggle in the past; tasks that used to be accomplished with ease may be much harder or next-to-impossible to do today. For a lot of Veterans pushing through and making it happen anyway, all the while never asking for help, is a way of life.


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Talk to Us About Your Case


Each of our Disability Services Coordinators is trained to handle your claim and bring about the best result possible. Click here to learn what to expect when you call or email us.

A referral is your greatest compliment to us. If you have a family member or friend who needs help, we welcome the opportunity.